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Restaurante COA MUSEU: (II) O edifício

por Raul Lufinha, em 27.06.13

Envidraçado e cheio de luz, o restaurante COA MUSEU fica no piso inferior do Museu do Coa.

Desenhado pelos arquitectos Pedro Tiago Pimentel e Camilo Rebelo, o edifício do Museu do Côa é em si mesmo uma obra de arte...

… consistindo num enorme, compacto e monolítico bloco de betão, com a textura e a cor do xisto local, semi-enterrado no topo de um monte sobranceiro à foz do rio Côa e à sua confluência com o rio Douro.

E estando – paradoxa mas intencionalmente – integrado de forma perfeita na paisagem!


Restaurante COA MUSEU | Museu do Côa, Rua do Museu, Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Portugal

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publicado às 19:46

3 comentários

De NINI a 28.06.2013 às 11:33

" O COA MUSEU " , Austero e simultaneamente lindissimo... Em xisto local é arquitetónicamente um edificio grandioso na paisagem agreste ...!

De Raul Lufinha a 28.06.2013 às 19:13

E como o betão teve esse tratamento especial para ficar da cor do xisto, o edifício ao longe não se distingue pela cor... mas pelas formas.

De Anónimo a 05.12.2018 às 10:45

Groups are poorly treated - choose another place - the view is not all !
I was part of a mid-sized group that should have enjoyed a convivial lunch together. Part of the group was in for a nasty surprise. Some of us were paying from our own pockets, which somehow made us second-class people. We were ushered into another section of the restaurant with no view except the staff car park. I spoke with the manager and tried to explain that were would like to sit with our colleagues. There were many empty tables in the area with a view. The manager told me a very strange history about “being in the same boat”. A few of the “second-class people” felt insulted and decided to leave.

This incident saddens me because I led the Movement to Save the Rock Art of the Côa Valley. If it were not for this campaign, neither the park, the museum, or the restaurant would would exist. Members of the Movement would not want preferential treatment, but we would want all-comers to be treated with dignity and respect. Any act that creates categories of second-class people would be an affront to everything the Movement stood for.
In brief, visit the rock art and museum, but eat in another place nearby. That way you also help the local community.

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Raul Lufinha

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